Category Archives: Uncategorized


I have been thinking about attachment a lot lately. My attachment becomes a reality for me when I consider the environment. There were four tall cypress trees two doors down from where I live, They each had to be at least 50 years old. Making them two hundred years all together. Over the course of…
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Prakriti Nature

"Who sees all actionEver performedAlone by PrakritiThat (wo)men sees truly;The Atman as actless.Who thus perceivesWith the eye of wisdomIn what manner the FieldIs distinct from the Knower,How (wo)men are made freeFrom the toils of Prakriti:His aim is accomplished,(S)he enters the Highest." Bhagavad-Gita The Fields and its Knower
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Dance, Yoga and Nature

I just returned from performing a dance called Prakriti which means nature or all that is manifest. While working on this dance for the past 6 months I was studying Sutra 2:23 and Sutra 2:18. The Sutras are philosophical aphorisms that were created by the Indian sage Patanjali around 250 BC. These stitches of knowledge…
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